Private Lesson/Group Gathering/Event

Private Lesson/Group Gathering/Event


We have the ability to host you and your family/friends for a day of awesomeness on the range.

Spend some time one on one, or bring a group that you feel comfortable learning around for private lessons or let us be a part of your next special event/gathering and we will ensure its one you'll never forget.

Please contact us at [email protected] for pricing, class details, to use a discount you've received, and to avoid website fees.

Knoxville- Smaller range more accommodating of pistol shooting and smaller range days.

Sweetwater - Massive 50 acre property with Treehouse AirBNB, Camping allowed on site, and 15 mins from everything you need including hotels, food, and convenience stores.


Private Solo Lesson
Knoxville $100/ 3 Hours.
Sweetwater $250/ 5 Hours.

Group Rates: (Knoxville)
1-5 People $100/Person for 3 Hours Range Time & Instruction
6-10 People $85/Person for 3 Hours Range Time & Instruction
10+ People $75/Person for 3 Hours Range Time & Instruction.

Group Rates: (Sweetwater)
1-5 People $200/Person for 5 Hours Range Time & Instruction
6-10 People $150/Person for 5 Hours Range Time & Instruction
10+ People $100/Person for 5 Hours Range Time & Instruction.


***All these prices are ESTIMATES and subject to change based on pricing of supplies, rentals, and the specialized needs of the customer themselves.***

See you on the range!


Payment is non-refundable. In the event you cannot make a class, please notify us. Your payment may be used to attend another course (of same value, or credited towards a more expensive course) within one calendar year.

In the event that we have to cancel a course, all registered students will receive a full refund, or be allowed to transfer tuition to another course.